batch import???

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Re: batch import???

by jacob374 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:50 am

Dear i think it looks at each file individually and imports each dat file into it's own romcenter database file. Right now if I want to import a dat file it takes like 6 or more clicks of the mouse to import each one. Again, I'm looking for a batch import, not importing all dat files into one huge database...

Re: batch import???

by grider » Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:11 am

Thank You! I look forward to v4 when it comes out!

Re: batch import???

by RomCenter » Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:02 pm

Yes, it's clear. Thank you.
As you may know, I'm currently working on v4; which is a complete rewrite of the application Under .net, and I won't add new features in current v3.
I can't tell you when this feature could appear, but I will keep it in my todo list.

Re: batch import???

by grider » Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:44 am

Just wanted to check in and see if this is something possible to program into romcenter? Was my last post clear enough?

Re: batch import???

by grider » Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:52 am

Hmm, maybe I don't understand your question. But let me say this...

I don't mind opening databases one by one, i actually think that makes sense, it makes even more sense to have individual databases, as is the current convention. So i'm not asking for any changes there.

I really do like romcenter and think it's the best rom manager out there. I'm just asking if it's possible to add such a feature where one could click a browse button select a folder of dat files and have romcenter take each dat file in the chosen folder and batch process them..Again I'm not asking for romcenter to build one massive database. Each dat file should create it's own romcenter database, this I agree with.

Let's say a folder has 100 dat files. I go to romcenter File -> New, Then instead of just "Load games list from a datfile" you could add another selection that says: "Load multiple datafile(s)". The latter option would allow one to select a folder (full of dat files) and import all files in that folder to their individual romcenter database files. Or maybe allow the user to select multiple dat files for the batch. I don't know what would be the best way of doing this exactly. But, does this make sense?

But to answer your question as I understand it, I would say No, I would not need a batch repair process. Because i'm only analyzing one database file at any one time. I just want a quicker way of importing dat files, that's all. To import dat files one by one is really time consuming when looking at importing up too 750 of them on each tosec dat file release... Sorry I can be long winded at times... :)

Re: batch import???

by RomCenter » Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:51 pm

Ok, I understand.
The question now is what for ?
You will have 1996 databases and you won't load them one by one to manage your roms ! So you will need a batch repair process as well ?

Re: batch import???

by grider » Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:10 am

Ok, so i have downloaded the complete tosec dat files (1996 files total). I'm not looking for an import that will import all dat files into one database. I'm looking for a less time consuming way of creating all the database files based on all dat files. Like a group selection, if i could highlight all the dat files that I want to import, Romcenter would take each dat file and run a batch import where it looks at each file individually and imports each dat file into it's own romcenter database file. Right now if I want to import a dat file it takes like 6 or more clicks of the mouse to import each one. Again, I'm looking for a batch import, not importing all dat files into one huge database... Hope this clears it up. So, unless i'm missing something this feature is not available. If it is, please school me in the way to do it. If it's not currently available, then can a feature be programmed into Romcenter? I'm sure it could, it's just a matter of will it be done...



Re: batch import???

by RomCenter » Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:15 pm

What do you mean by batch import ?
Currently, you can import one dat at a time, and creating one big dat with all existing games will be quite slow to manage.

batch import???

by grider » Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:22 am

I'm one to collect just about any rom out there and finding out that importing one dat file at a time from 1996 files is just insane. Is there a way to do a batch import of the dat files? Am I missing something? If there is now such batch import, can one be developed in the next version of Romcenter?

